Church Street DJs Blog


Custom DJ Gear: It Defines Who You Are As A Disc Jockey

There are very few groups in the world of DJing that have executed the same path that Walter Peterson is spinning his business around. Peterson, also known as DJ Rekkon is an idea man at heart. He produces ideas into tangible products, which are then shipped to disc jockeys around the world. His home base is in Burlington, Vermont where he’s an active disc jockey in the local scene, and an inspiring artist in the craft of custom DJ accessories and equipment. Rekkon’s craft has been internationally recognized because of the unique approach he developed, which is the combination of art and science with a mixture of production. He gained a lot of experience from continuous experimentation over a diverse array of projects. Rekkon says that what he does “is an art that you have to appreciate, it’s not for everyone.” The unlimited amount of appreciation and passion that Rekkon has for custom DJ equipment, has given him amazing opportunities that has his home community following his adventure through his stories on social media.